
Will PM121 or PM121G Diff Guards fit my Discovery 2?
No they won't fit Disco 2, Salisbury, or P38. For Disco 2 we recommend PM1133.
Do you need to change the shock absorbers when fitting DA5136 Disco 2 Air to Coil Kit.
No. You are not required to change shock absorbers at the same time.
Does the "newstyle" cylinder head (LDF500180) also fit earlier Discovery 1's e.g. 300TDI Automatic - VA****** - model 7.1997? - What else do I need for replacing my broken cylinder head? gaskets, screws?
Yes it will fit your vehicle no problem. It is supplied 'built up' . The only extra items you need to purchase are a new style head gasket LVB500220, bolts DA2005 and a head gasket set STC2802 or STC2802G.
Is the drive shaft nut included with TAY100050 & TAY100060 Discovery 2 Hub Assemblies? If not - where can I find it?
No it isn't. The part number for the nut is CDU1534L.
Does PM023 Heavy Duty Steering Rods fit to LHD Disco II?
Yes, it fits both LHD and RHD.
Do 6805120 steel wheels for a Disco 2 come with wheel nuts?
Yes they come with wheel nuts.
My 200 tdi Discovery is very difficult to change gear from 1st to 2nd or 3rd to 2nd. Why?
A common fault with these boxes is a thrust washer in the 1 - 2 synchro assembly splitting in half and blocking movement. Rebuild the gearbox and replace both thrust washers in the 1 - 2 assembly.
What oil should I use in my LT77 gearbox?
We recommend ATF Dextron 2 or 3.
My gearbox rattles on idle, in neutral, with the clutch up
This is very common on Diesel engined vehicles. The clutch friction plate has a ring of springs, which are there to soften the knock of the diesel engine to stop it being transmitted to the driveline. Often especially with a new clutch these springs ...
I've just fitted a rebuilt gearbox to my Disco/Defender, the third and fourth shifts are not very good. Why?
When you let go of the gearstick on either the LT77 or the R 380 Discovery boxes the stick will spring to the 3 / 4th gate. This gate position is set by the position of the bias plate. This gate position must be adjusted correctly to agree with the selectors...
I am familiar with the much talked about mainshaft wear problem on my Defender/Discovery but I don"t know how bad mine is, or if I need to look at replacing my gearbox?
The best way of ascertaining the degree of wear is to chock the two front wheels, handbrake off, mainbox in first and jack up a rear wheel. Remove the PTO cover to the left of the handbrake and you will be able to see the gearbox mainshaft in the centre...
I've just fitted a rebuilt gearbox to my defender, the third and fourth shifts are not very good. Why?
Most rebuilt gearboxes, including ours, come without the "turret". This the part that the gearstick bolts to. If you pull back the rubber boot on the turret you will reveal two large springs and two adjuster screws and locknuts. The role of these springs...
When driving my 200 Tdi Discovery / Range Rover the gearstick has suddenly become very vague and is flapping side to side. Why?
Inside the aluminium top cover of the gearbox, which is secured by two large Phillips head screws, you will find two large springs which rest on a L shape steel plate which give your 3rd/4th bias gate position. This L shaped plate is very prone to cracking...
Do you have ball joints for heavy duty steering rods (PM023) for sale separately?
Yes we do. The left hand thread joint is QFS000010. The right hand thread joint is PM1029.
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