Do you get 2 leather gaitors or 1 in 276954 Gaitor Kit?
You get 2. In other words the kit does both ends of the axle.
Is there any difference between a lh and a rh front standard spring or why do you reference them separately.
Standard LR springs are handed. The right hand side is slightly heavier duty to the fuel tank (and in UK cases the driver!). However, most parabolic manufacturers do not differentiate between LH and RH.
Do you do replacement bushes for the rear parabolic springs (PARA02 or PARA03)?
Yes we do. We've seen various manufacturers of parabolics and they've always used standard LR bushes for the rears. Part number is 548205. Take a look at your front paras. They may well also use 548205 (like our British made ones). Some of the Indian...
Do the 2 seater bench seats fold up or are they fixed?
Yes they fold up.
Am I correct to believe that it is no longer possible to obtain the correct rear mud flaps for a LWB Series 2a (with fittings), genuine or otherwise, only the SWB variety?
Yes you are correct. However, the SWB variety fits perfectly as they fix to the rear crossmember (which is the same for SWB & LWB).
Are the deluxe and basic seats you sell Vinyl? Do you do leather?
Yes they are vinyl. Sorry we don't do leather.
Do the defender type door mirrors for series land rovers come as a pair or as singles?
Defender door mirrors come as singles. They aren't handed, you simply turn the head around 180 degrees.
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